Friday, March 1, 2013

Tyrone Wells

My friend Candy treated me to the opportunity to see one of my favorite indie artists, Tyrone Wells, at the Bing Performance Lounge at KINK today. He usually swings through Portland at least once a year but it's been a little bit since I've seen him. He did a short 20-30 minute set and it was all new music so it was almost as if I were hearing him for the first time.

The only glitch was getting downtown. I'm not fond of driving and parking downtown so decided to take the bus. Not a big deal. I take the bus quite often....just not downtown. The Trip Planner told me to get off at 4th and Yamhill then walk 3 blocks north and one block west to arrive at 1211 SW 5th. Well, the bus never went on Yamhill so when we turned off Main Street at 6th, I figured I better get off. I walked down to SW 5th and headed north. After about 8 blocks I realized the street numbers were getting smaller. Oh dear!

So I had to turn around and walk back up 5th until I finally arrived at 1211. I rode the elevator to the correct floor the radio station was on only to be told to go back down to the lobby and out the back side of the building (on 6th) to arrive at the Bing Lounge. Fortunately I had planned on arriving quite early so when I got to the Lounge there were only three people in line and my friend was one of them. I began telling her the entire saga and as I was gazing north I realized I was only about a block away when I got off the bus at 6th and Taylor. Doh! I'm a good natured person and try to see the best in all situations so the first thing I did was check my pedometer and realized that at least I had my 10,000+ steps in for the day and it was only 11:00am.

We met some great people in line, one of whom gave me some information about checking with Mercy Corp to find out about helping with jobs/self employment. He said their big thing right now is trying to help people get into the food cart business. I then mentioned how I've always dreamed of owning a bed and breakfast. I don't really want to own a restaurant or even be a caterer because I want to have control over what I cook and serve and not be at the whim of a customer. So a food cart would be kind of ideal. Once we got our tickets Candy, Margie, Nick, Doyle and I went inside to have a seat until the concert started. Doyle came up with the perfect pitch for a Food truck. The NO BED & Breakfast truck. I could make the facade look like a cute little Victorian house and only be open for breakfast. And the best part is I could make and serve just whatever struck my fancy for the day. I wouldn't have to offer a bunch of choices. Awesome!

Almost as awesome as having Tyrone Wells sitting 10 feet away singing to a room of 50 people. Steve Pringle got him talking about his new baby so that was a nice little change up from strictly music. Afterwards, Candy and I waited in line to have our picture taken with him (hopefully that will be posted in the next few days...waiting on KINK) and have him sign our posters. I told him I always tell people he's my brother from another mother and he got a big chuckle out of that. I'm glad Candy was as taken with him as I am.

We then jumped on MAX and Candy took me to one of her favorite downtown eateries. We had an amazing lunch at one of the best Chinese restaurants I have ever tried. Delicious! She even sent me home with the leftovers. All part of my birthday gift from her.I am so spoiled!

On the way back home on the bus I got a message from her that she had taken the FoSaP cookbook CD I had given her to Office Depot to have them print a copy for her. I knew she planned on doing this and had told her it would be around $26 for the copy and binding. She hadn't inquired ahead of time what the cost was and when asked, told them to go ahead and print in color. The total cost was $108. Gulp!!!! I felt so bad. But at least she'll have the only full color copy of the book.

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