Thursday, February 28, 2013

Waste not...

If you've been following my blog, you know I love to knit. And I especially love to knit socks. But like the cobbler's children I had made dozens of pairs for friends and family but hadn't made any for myself. Just after Christmas I decided to remedy that.

Finding a great yarn of wool and nylon in bright pink with accents of purple, yellow, lime green, and light pink, I cast on. Because I have a health issue that makes my left leg swell quite often, I wanted to start with that sock and make it a bit bigger than the normal women's socks I've been knitting. I finished it up and tried it on....ummmm it looked like I made it for bigfoot's wife!

Rather than unwind the whole sock, I just grabbed the skein and started knitting new socks, using smaller needles. The finished socks fit me perfectly! I did add a couple of extra stitches to the left one so it is one of the only pairs of socks that I can wear that actually don't cut off the circulation at my ankle. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Now since I'm one of those people who hate to throw away anything that I might find useful in the future, I just stuck that extra large sock away in my knitting cupboard and continued on with the next project.

Then about a week ago I ended up with a horrible ear ache. One that went down into my neck area. I thought if I could lay my head on a heating pad it would help. The problem was that laying the affected area on the pad didn't really get the heat where needed because of the contour of my neck. I tried laying on the opposite side and placing the pad on top of the neck area. Again, it didn't really work because I couldn't get the pad close enough to the neck area to do any good.

Then a brilliant thought hit me! I could take that extra sock, fill it with some old stale rice (again, can't throw out anything that could possibly be used for something in the future), and  microwave it for a bit.

Holy Smokes! It worked like a dream. Because of the rice and because the size is fairly small, it works great as a spot heating pad.

My sister was over the other day and saw it and could not, for her life, figure out what it was. So now it's not only a useful health aid, it's a conversation starter as well.

Ain't life grand?!?

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