Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Phone sock

So one thing I hate to do more than exercise is spend money. Especially on things that aren't a necessity. For instance, a cover for the new (to me) phone I just got. It's actually got a nice shock resistant cover on it but the face is unprotected. Now, I know I could go pick up some of those LCD screen protectors, but I didn't like the phone being in my bag or purse without some added protection against stray lipstick, pen residue or even dings from my giant keyring.

What does a girl do when she needs a cover for her phone and isn't willing to spend any money?

Well, she could resort to just using a child's sock to hold said phone.

Workable? Certainly.
Free? Absolutely.
But stylish and well fitting? Not so much.

Or she could take a few hours away from knitting socks for Papa John's birthday and make herself a sock for her phone. It took a few tries to figure out exactly how many stitches to cast on to get a snug fit without struggling to get the phone inside. Once I got the correct number (44 BTW), I did a few rows of K1, P1 to create a bit of ribbing, then just knit away until I had the length I needed to hold the phone securely inside.

I just used some leftover sock yarn so totally free! And it works great!

I did find a great pattern for a Tardis cover for a Kindle that I want to revise to fit my particular phone.

TARDIS Kindle Case
But that's going to have to wait until I finish the socks for Papa John...oh and then I've got a pair for Candy I have to get done. Yikes! Then there's Mackenzie's birthday. Oh and Alyssa. And Jordon.

Oh my! I had better quit messing around on the computer and get busy knitting!!!!!!

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