Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Chew, part deux

Last week I was all excited because The Chew had accepted one of my photo submissions on the My Bites section of their website. Well, yesterday I received an email that they had accepted a second submission. Don't get me wrong. I love that I have a couple of entries on their website but the fact that I had two photos accepted out of only a few submitted makes me question just how selective they are.

Cheesy Mashed Potato *****
Check it out here.

What is the most hilarious part is that for some reason ABC has censored the word BALLS. I actually submitted the recipe along with the photo so everywhere the word BALLS should appear you see *****.

For the heck of it, I decided to try to see if this happened with similar recipes. Sure enough when I 'search' for meatballs and click on an entry, the word BALLS has been censored. If it has the word meat in front of it, not so. As long as the entry says meatballs it is okay. But if the submitter had typed meat balls it would appear as meat *****. How crazy is that?!?!

Now, one of the reasons I even submitted this photo is because I love how it appears there is light shining through on the right side. It wasn't until after it had been posted on the site and I was looking more closely at the photo that I realized these balls were in my shiny gold bowl so it's actually a reflection of the flash and not sunlight at all.

So my photo isn't exactly what I thought it was and the recipe isn't posted as it should be. Oh well...at least I got another submission published so now I can add 'published' photographer to my resume. Hahaha.

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