Friday, February 8, 2013

Say it ain't so.....

So, my local live music venue has recently changed hands and there is speculation that the new owners will no longer have live music. This can't be happening (again). I discovered Trail's End in 1997 after my divorce and have been going on a fairly regular basis since. That was one reason I chose to move to the area.

Shortly after moving to be close by Trail's End, I discovered another great place for live music in Portland called The Candlelight Cafe and Bar. The Candlelight offered live music 7 nights a week and the only times they ever charged a cover was for New Year's Eve when they had to try to limit the number of people. When I first started going there, this was the lineup:

Monday - Margo Tufo
Tuesday - Jay "Bird" Koder
Wednesday - Linda Hornbuckle
Thursday - Norman Sylvester
Friday - Bands rotated
Saturday - Bands rotated
Sunday - I can't recall who was there before Andy Stokes

Not only was the music phenomenal but you felt like family when you were there. Some of my best friends are people I met at The Candlelight. As a single woman it was nice knowing I could go somewhere alone and either run into people I knew or know that there would usually be someone I could dance with and/or who would be keeping an eye on me to make sure I wasn't being harassed.

A year ago the building was overtaken using Imminent Domain and torn down to make room for the Light Rail project running from PSU to Milwaukie. All the people I used to see are now scattered hither and yon throughout the Portland area. I don't think anyone has found the perfect spot to replace the good old Candlelight.

So once again, I started spending more time at Trail's End. They have live music Wednesday through Sunday with a $5-7 cover charge on the weekends. The first Sunday of the month, Rae Gordon hosts a Gospel set. But now that I've gotten comfortable in this new routine, the rug is again pulled out from under me. I notice they have yet to post musical acts after the end of February which would be a good indication that the new owners will not be having live music.

I just hope they don't tear the building down and put something new there. It is a historic old building with more cobwebs than glitter. There's an historic buggy hanging from the ceiling and several gigantic fans that all run off a pulley system with one motor. I've already noticed things changing so it will be totally heartbreaking to see this lovely old spot disappear. I honestly don't know how they think they can make it if they don't offer live music.
Lovely old chandelier - notice the cobwebs

One of the many ceiling fans run by a pulley system

New Year's Eve 2012 - where else can you go that has a wooden Indian?

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