Friday, February 1, 2013

Glorious Day

After weeks of grey skies and cold temperatures it is sunny and warm and I feel like getting out in it. But wouldn't you know that today is the day I have to strap on the old ball and chain and get a bunch of documents out for work. I am getting a bit frustrated with the job situation because I want it to be secure or I want it to be done. This being in limbo is killing me. I never know from one day to the next if I'm going to work all day or not even need to come in to the office.

Plus I have a ton of projects I need to work on while searching for a new job. Things like finishing up my promised knitting, cleaning out the spare room, checking into renting it out via air bnb, listing items on eBay that I just don't need anymore, gutting the basement, etc, etc. Oh my, I have a lot to do.

And then of course, I'm kind of going into Geocaching withdrawals since it's been months since I've had a chance to get out and find some treasure. It had to have been around Thanksgiving since I grabbed my special backpack and got out there. I really want to get out tomorrow but I promised Julia I would get her two ear warmers as well as a couple of bracelets done and delivered to her by Sunday.

I can't work on them tonight since I'm going to see Deep Blue Soul Revue. I am so looking forward to shaking a tail feather. And tomorrow evening is Brittany's birthday at Coaster's. Oh and then Rae Gordon does her Gospel show on Sunday. Good golly!

Well, hopefully I can get all my promised things done this weekend and have some fun at the same time. Wish me luck!

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