Sunday, February 3, 2013

So nice....

Have you ever had one of those weekends that you were glad it was over because you were so busy that now you need some time to relax? Well, that was MY weekend. I got my ear warmers and bracelets done and delivered tonight along with the OSU birdhouse. The lady that asked me to make them was one I met at the Craft Fair at Marylhurst in November. She is such a sweetheart that I can't say no, whenever she asks me to help her out. She had asked for one ear warmer in a grey color and another in black with sparkly yarn. She was absolutely thrilled with both of them. I finished them up on Friday evening (instead of going out to shake my tail feathers) so felt like I could get out and enjoy the weekend and boy did I.

Saturday I printed a couple more copies of the cookbook and had them bound. One for Brittany for a birthday gift and one for myself so I had've heard the story about the cobbler's children, right? Anyway, while at the office supply store, a friend sent me a text message to say that she, another friend, and my sister were all at our favorite thrift shop. I stopped by and while they each rolled out of the store with multiple bags of goodies, I walked away with nothing. I'm really trying to watch every penny now and am looking only for specific things....a Keurig coffee maker or items for my steam punk picnic in July.

After getting home from running errands I did a few things around the house and got Julia's bracelets finished and Brittany's gift wrapped. I then went on a nice long 2 mile walk enjoying this glorious weather. And it was so nice....I got home and took a quick little nap before getting ready to head to Coaster's to celebrate Britt's birthday. I still can't believe her friend talked me into singing karaoke. It's been years since I've done that and I was even more nervous because Lady Kat was in the bar. But I think we pulled it off without embarrassing ourselves too badly (except for not keeping up on Lady Gaga's Poker face....I really didn't know the words to that song).

I woke up today to another gorgeous day so took myself to the local Goodwill. Since Sunday is the first day they start the 50% off color for the week it's the best chance to get a great buy on something. I found the perfect mini chest for my steam punk picnic. It's missing one little grommet but otherwise in great shape. And only $5!!!

Afterwards I hit Joann Fabrics and grabbed a couple skeins of yarn to make the bearded hats for Hayden, Kaysin, and Mike. Changed clothes and did another quick walk this morning before getting ready to get to Trail's End. My girl Rae Gordon was doing her Gospel Blues and I just couldn't miss it. I was able to sit and knit, listen to amazing gospel music, AND watch the Superbowl. Can you say multi-tasker???

I met up with Julia to pass along her goodies and had a nice visit with her and now I can spend the rest of the evening relaxing and catching up on some television watching. What a fun filled, active, never-a-dull-moment weekend!!!

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