Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Job possibilities

If you've been following along, you know that my current job has been cut way back in hours. I feel so up in the air all the time because I really don't want to leave this job, if things pick back up, yet I don't feel I'm out pounding the pavement like I could be if I wasn't working at all.

The good news is there are a ton of free workshops and classes through the Employment Department that I have taken advantage of. The bad news is, there just don't seem to be a lot of jobs out there similar in pay and duties than what I've been doing. And we were told yesterday at the 'Apply On-Line' course that there are approximately 200 people per open position, depending on the job. So I'm in the running with hundreds of other people every time I find something that could work.

I am trying to find the perfect (close to home and decent pay) part-time position that would allow me to stay where I am and yet have enough other income to get me through the month. Last month I was about $300 short. I've been cutting expenses everywhere I can but when you already live paycheck-to-paycheck, it's kind of tough.

Today I found a part time job at a beekeeping supply store. It's close to home and except for knowledge about beekeeping, I am perfect for the job. I sent the required docs out today so we'll see if we even hear from them. I also found a part time temporary job with Clackamas County working in the library system. There seem to be several openings in the are for Library Directors so I would love to get my foot in the door with a job like this. Again, sent in the required documents so we'll see.

I'm really trying to stay positive about the future, but it's looking bleaker by the day.

Oh and then last night I went to look up a recipe in the index of my cookbook only to discover the entire index seems to be screwed up. Ugh! I've used Word many times to compile things like a cookbook before but this was my first attempt at inserting a Table of Contents and Index. When I went back into the file and said to 'update' it now appears everything is fine again....but I'm pretty certain that was one of the last things I did before printing so I'm uncertain why it would have been off. I'm still going to print the index out and double check against the book itself to make sure it's accurate.

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