Thursday, January 31, 2013

Resume Review

So I had an opportunity to go to a free class on resume writing today. Well, no that's not accurate. It was actually a resume critique workshop. Because I got there just 2 minutes early I was the last one to be reviewed. And I mean that. She literally took each person who was there and went over their resume with them individually, giving them pointers to make it more effective.

The worst part is that I had set my knitting bag next to the front door before I left the house, but in my rush this morning forgot to grab it. So there I sat for hours just waiting my turn without a book, a knitting project or anything. Grrrr.....

As I was waiting I got to thinking about my employment history and realized that I haven't had to apply for a job, interview or even present a resume in more than 20 years. It seems every job I've had in that time frame has come about because someone I knew personally was looking for an employee and asked me to take the job.

But the good news about being the last is that I felt she might have given me a little bit more time than everyone else. My resume was pretty good she said but there were some words I had used more than once and she said that was an HR no-no. So I will go over it with a fine toothed comb and my list of synonyms. I'm hoping that will get my foot in the door with some of the jobs out there.

I've already applied for several positions and I think the most frustrating part is just not hearing from the employer. No "thanks but no thanks", no acknowledgment of the application and resume, nothing. It's been a long time since I've even been in the market for a job so I'm going to continue to push to find the perfect fit for me.

But in today's job market, that might just take awhile.

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