Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's been how long???

Wow! I can't believe how long it's been since I last blogged. And how much has happened.

First of all, I got a job!!!! It is almost exactly what I was looking for. Doing what I love for a smallish company with great employees and management. The only thing that wasn't on my wishlist for a dream job was the distance. I was really hoping for something closer to home but it's 10 miles away. My average commute time has been about 30 minutes each way so I still consider that pretty good. This is only my second week so I'll have more to report later.

Then there was the trip by the Brunch Bunch to Tacoma. Candy and I drove up while the rest of the group took the train. We did a little geocaching along the way and Candy found her first cache at a rest area just off the freeway. I think she caught the GC bug now.

We all met up at Harmon's Brewery in Tacoma then walked over to the Dale Chihuly Museum. Everywhere you looked was stunningly beautiful. From the walk across the Wall of Glass to the fountains outside the Museum to the displays inside. I took about a jillion photos but am only posting a few of them.
The entire ceiling was covered in panels similar to this one as we crossed the bridge. Amazing!
A cool sculpture on the bridge that reminded me of ice in a cocktail.
I love this picture because it shows the giant Kiln of the Chihuly Museum with a juxtaposition of the old manufacturing plant right next door.
Several in the group thought these glass pieces looked like Tupperware. I thought they looked like condoms.

One of the more colorful displays inside.
Another gorgeous piece.

The view from inside the Kiln.

This guy was soooooo cute!

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