Sunday, June 2, 2013

Maiden (tablet) voyage

I feel like such a grownup! I finally got a tablet.I know, hardly note worthy but for me its kind of a big deal. I've been getting by with my phone and my work computer.

But no more! Now I got options. While I'm not impressed with the camera on this device, I am ecstatic about the ability to get online from almost everywhere and can read books, play games, and just generally while away the hours even when you can't connect to the outside world.

Now I just have learn more about storage options, using the Cloud, discover what the difference is between an app and a widget, and save up to buy a keyboard. Fun stuff!!

Note: while I was able to type the above and place this picture of Chester, I was not able to Publish the blog from the tablet, nor size the photo. So I guess I'll just keep doing what I've been doing and use the tablet as a notebook until I can sit down with the computer to edit.

The subject of my first tablet photo - Chester Burnette

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