Wednesday, July 24, 2013

FoSaP for June - Rockin' Moroccan

The theme for June's dinner party was Moroccan (why do I always want to spell it Morrocan?). With temperatures in the upper 90's and a house with no air conditioning, I moved the even to the 4th of July. I mean what says Independence Day except Moroccan food, right?

It ended up being a smallish gathering and I was grateful for that. Less to cook for, and more time to actually chat with each guest. And after dinner we even had time to play some board games.

Rough Khoubz -- Moroccan Flat Bread
Quite quick and easy to make...and oh so delicious.

Mixed pepper and tomato jam
I got the recipe from Paula Wolfert's "The Food of Morocco"

Herb marinated olives (started three weeks in advance)
Herb marinated feta (using the same recipe as above)

Confit of Cabbage
Not exactly what I expected but it was a welcome accompaniment

Chicken with fennel, preserved lemons, and green olives over couscous
Another delicious recipe from Paula Wolfert's cookbook

Not a great picture of the Beef Kebabs, but man were they good!

Eggplant smothered in Charmoula
Another Paula Wolfert specialty

We even got Paula (not Wolfert) to wear a traditional hijab

Dessert was a disaster. I have got to stop trying out traditional ethnic recipes not tested in Western kitchens. Especially when they involve sugar and coming to temperature.

The final touch was a beautifully decorated table that I forgot to photograph and a huge pitcher of mint iced tea using fresh herbs from the yard.

A very successful dinner indeed!

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