Thursday, July 18, 2013

Vow Renewal

My brother and his wife decided to renew their wedding vows on the exact date of their 11th Anniversary...and ask me to officiate the ceremony. You would not believe how easy it is to become an ordained minister. Basically you fill out an online form. That's it! No money. No class. No instructional video. Nothing. I did spend some cash to receive a certificate and other materials, but that was completely voluntary.

The couple decided to renew their vows on the beach near a favorite hotel they have stayed at frequently through the years. Only a handful of family members and friends were invited and joined us at on the sand in Taft. The day was gloriously sunny as everyone took their spots and we started the ceremony. It was quick and heartfelt and soon the group was in bathing suits and enjoying the lovely weather.
The requisite burying in the sand commences.
I think this one buried herself.

Besides the ceremony, I had a chance to check out Sonny Hess and Vickie Stevens at Hwy 101 on Friday evening. They put on an amazing show, wowing the crowd with their musical talent and humor. Vickie even pulled a young man from the back area who was celebrating his last day of bachelorhood. She put him in a chair, front and center and really 'played' with the guy. His friends were dying laughing. These ladies never disappoint!

Sonny and her band get the set started.
Vickie messes with someone from the audience.

All in all, it was a lovely weekend for a wedding at the beach. Complete with frolicking in the water, playing in the sand, kite flying, and geocaching.

The lovely bride and groom with mom and dad in the middle.
My youngest sister with mom and dad flanking her.
And of course, I had to make time to catch the kite festival going on at D River Wayside.

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