Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Many may know that I'm currently underemployed or soon to be unemployed. In other words, my job is winding down to nothing in the next few weeks to one month. Fortunately I know I am able to collect unemployment. The problem is the amount I'll get is significantly less than my current take home pay. And I'm barely making it now. Yikes!

But I've always had a positive attitude and know that there is something better out there for me. I am just going to have to be proactive and find it...and fast.

That being said, I dragged my butt home from work yesterday and decided to tackle the clean up from Sunday's dinner. Now here's a secret I'm not terribly proud to be sharing. It usually takes me all week to get things cleaned up from the dinner. I'm usually so beat by the time everyone leaves Sunday that I just leave everything.

After work Monday is spent gathering up dishes and piling them up in the kitchen, breaking down the extra tables and chairs, and sweeping the dining/living area. That's about as much as I can handle the first day.On Tuesday I do 1-2 sinks full (or is it sink fulls) of dishes. Not having a working dishwasher means everything has to be washed by hand. Wednesday is much the same as Tuesday with the exception of actually putting stuff away. By Thursday mostly everything is back to normal.

This time I'm well ahead of the game. I had help putting stuff away on Sunday and was able to wash up the cooking utensils as I cooked so there wasn't much to wash except serving dishes and glassware. So last night was 2 sinks full of glassware washed and put away. Several serving dishes were left in the sink to soak and I should be able to finish those up tonight. Yippee!

The best part was walking into the bathroom to take a relaxing hot bath before bed and discovering one of my guests had stashed a $20 bill in my jewelry caddy. Sneaking little bugger. It was totally unexpected and great appreciated. I don't know if it was someone's way of paying for their e-cookbook, contributing to dinner, or just being generous. No matter what it was for, I was deeply touched especially with the current job situation.

I have the best friends on earth!

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