Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Another pair finished

Wheh! I just finished another pair of hand-knit socks. I'm terrible about making one sock, getting bored, then moving on to a different pattern/yarn. Later, when I try to go back and finish the second sock I discover I've forgotten what I did with the pattern. Or I make a pair of socks, put them away, then pull them out months later for a gift and realize how much I love the pattern, and again, realize I have no idea what pattern it was. I'm hoping to use this as a way of recording said pattern.

Here are the latest socks. Knitted with Deborah Norville's Serenity Sock Yarn using this Vanilla Latte pattern. I just love the color. It reminds me of Mardi Gras. And it's called Harlequin so that's kind of appropriate.

And these are the socks I knit for my sister Laurie for her birthday. I adore this yarn. It was warm, silky, and luxurious. It's called Truly from Sensations which I believe is a Joann's brand. I wanted a pattern that would 'dress' the socks up a bit so chose this pattern.

Finally, these are socks/slippers I made for my mom for her birthday. They are just simple knitted top down socks but using another Deborah Norville yarn. The yarn on the skein was very nice feeling but once knit up I was unimpressed with the stretch and overall feel of the sock. My mom seemed to love them though so that's all that matters.

I just started another pair of socks and realized I had better get going on my list of knitting projects I promised to family and friends. Again, I think I'll post my list here as a reminder of what I have to finish:

Julia - Grey ear warmers
Julia - Ear warmers with black 'sparkly' yarn
Kaysin - New baby hats
Kaysin - Baby 'beard' hat
Hayden - Toddler 'beard' hat
Jill - Beard hat for Mike
Sabrina - Black beret (like Asia's)

Good golly! I better get to knittin'!!!

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