Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wheh! Another busy weekend...

Have you ever had one of those weekends that make you look forward to the work week so you can relax a bit?

Friday night was dinner and the Shemekia Copeland show at Jimmy Mak's with Harry. My darling friend Winnie had purchased the tickets for she and Harry but forgot it was in conflict with her trip to Las Vegas for a wedding. Fortunately they thought I would enjoy it (I LOVE Shemekia!). They even bought my steak dinner!

I followed that up by dropping by The Lodge to see LaRhonda Steele and her band perform one set. She had some musicians performing with her that evening that I hadn't seen for a while so that was a pleasant surprise. Guitar player AG Donnaloia, bassist Carl Falls, drummer Lynn Russell to name just a few.

And then finally I stopped at the 505 on my way home to see Deep Blue Soul Revue. Ken Brewer called up a woman to play a couple of songs with them. Gypsy stepped up to the mic and belted out two numbers while accompanying herself on harmonica. You don't see to many women harp players so I always sit up and take notice when I see one.

That was my Friday.

Saturday I was up and out the door by 6:00. The weather was supposed to be warm so I wanted to get my grocery shopping done and back home before it got too hot. It was kind of odd to be driveway down the freeway with all four windows partially down at 7 in the morning. I got my magnificent dessert made and in the fridge, ready to take to Teresa's house in Vancouver for game night. What fun that was?!?! We didn't get a whole lot of game playing done, but boy did we laugh our buns off.

Sunday morning I was up early again and prepping to meet up with Angie so we could do some geocaching. I was itching to get out and find some caches. I mean, I haven't been out looking since before Christmas so it was well past time. We did pretty good, only got skunked on two of them. The most interesting thing was this amazing totem pole made from recycled motorcycle parts near the Lake Oswego Fire Department. I just wish there would have been some information about the pole there.

I then met up with Candy at Trail's End for first Sunday's Gospel hour. Rae Gordon hosts these and does a tremendous job. I told my sister I want Rae to sing at my memorial service. She had four gentleman come in the door just as she was getting ready to go on stage. Apparently there was some sort of mix up and the Tone Setters Quartet came in May and she had them on the calendar for June. They did a couple of quick songs to warm up the audience and now I can't wait to see them next month.

The Pickled Pepper Kitchen Band was the special guest for May. These awesome women play washtubs, spoons, kazoos, washboards, and guitars and take you to a bygone era with their voices and playing.

Next up was the Kevin Selfe jam at the Blue Diamond. I have never seen Kevin Selfe's band so was excited to see him play. Wouldn't you know it?!? He wasn't there. Instead Ben Rice was hosting. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore Ben Rice. But I've seen him many times and was looking forward to something new.

Candy mentioned that Angel Bouchet was doing a jam at Spud Monkey's so after the first set with Ben, we headed that way. She had never heard Angel perform and I had never been to Spud Monkey's so it was a new experience for both of us. Angel is such a wonderful performer. She always gets out in the audience and sings 'to' people instead of 'at' them. And her musicians??? Get outta here!
A wonderful weekend filled with good friends and fantastic live music. I am so very blessed!

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