Wednesday, May 22, 2013

So much going on...

I've had so many things going on lately that apparently I haven't had time to do some blogging. Plus my computer at home died so I'm limited to using the computer at the office during non-work hours only. Hopefully that will change soon as I just ordered a tablet and should have tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Since I last posted, I'm still going strong with my geocaching. I've logged 15 consecutive days of finding at least 1 cache and on Sunday not only did I break my previous finds in one day with 14, but I passed the 100 cumulative finds as well. I was on my way home from picking up my goodies at ShopGoodwill and decided to swing through Canby and snag a few. I ended up in a mostly industrial area with little to no traffic so just kept going, and going, and... but I digress.

Monkey checks out the bridge while I look for the cache at Westmoreland Park
Let's start with earlier in the week. I continue to be amazed at the beautiful parks and amazing historical information I'm learning while out caching, plus am logging at least 10,000 steps per day as well. I haven't weighed myself but have a feeling I will have lost a couple of pounds through all this.

Friday afternoon I took a friend for her colonoscopy....the second friend I've taken this year and the results were almost identical. Afterwards, she was starving as can be expected so asked if she could take me to lunch at Burnside Brewing Co. I love a good burger and a good brew so off we headed. I got the Brewery Burger ~ 1/2 Pound of Northwest Beef Seared In Duck Fat, Grilled Onions, Pickles, Hop-Studded Potato Roll, Served with house ketchup and fries and the Ivil Krushu Baltic Porter ~ this Baltic style porter is deceivingly easy to session. Brewed with the California Common yeast it leaves a clean finish with notes of licorice, subtle chocolate and molasses. Both were absolutely delicious and very filling.

Friday night I met up with the monthly Supper Club. Kevin's recommendation this month was a Cena. A lovely little Italian restaurant in Sellwood. A Cena literally translates to 'come to supper'. The restaurant was homey yet elegant and obviously a favorite as it was packed. I ordered a gorgeous Barbera wine, though at $9 for a glass it seemed a bit steep. I bypassed an antipasti as I was still a bit full from lunch. For dinner I ordered the Norcia ~ hand-rolled Garganelli pasta, fennel sausage, wild mushrooms in a cream and white wine sauce. Good thing I only requested an half order. Even that was quite large.....and one of the best things I've eaten in a while.

Saturday morning I headed to Vancouver to do a little geocaching before heading to Teresa's house. They must hide things different in Washington because I only scored 1 find out of the 5 I looked for. Ugh! Off to the Hawaiian Luau/Bunco/Tupperware party. It was quite fun and very entertaining and though I didn't win anything, I had a great time and learned about the newest Tupperware offerings. After the party, Angie and I decided to search along Marine Drive for some caches as, according to the map, there were a bunch of them.

Unfortunately what we didn't realize was that they were all placed along the walking/bike path and there was little access to the path from the car until we could finally find a place to park several miles away. Fortunately once we got parked, there were caches placed about every 600-700 feet. We got to the first site and spent at least 30 minutes walking around the 4' high concrete structure, poking and pulling every loose item trying to find the hiding hole. We had both figured it must be a metal bolt on top of the structure but neither of us could reach it, nor could we climb up to get a better look. I suggested we move on to the next one and sure enough, we found it quite quickly. We went back to the concrete structure and at that point I was so frustrated that I got on my hands and knees and told Angie to climb on my back so she could get on top of the structure. Wouldn't you know it? The bolt was the cache. We quickly signed the log, then moved on to find one more before calling it a day.

Monkey holds on to one of the most unique cache containers we've found
I picked up Wade afterwards and we made the trek to Canby to check out a friend's restaurant. Frack Burger offers simple burgers and fries. Nothing fancy, nothing extraordinary, just good food at a good price. We ended up splitting the double cheeseburger basket and each ordered a hand made milkshake. Our total for all this food...$11! Mighty tasty and mighty good value.

Monkey and I discover another hidden gem. This time at the Canby Community Park
Sunday morning I did a little caching before our brunch group go together at Miss Delta. Can I just say that good ole' southern food seems to be high on my list of favorite cuisines? I got the chicken fried steak with grits. It was to die for! The grits were the best I've ever had. And the chicken fried steak? It was slap your mama good. After brunch we did some window shopping on North Mississippi Avenue (favorite store - Gumbo!) before heading our separate ways.

Chicken Fried Steak, eggs, and the best grits I've had this side of the real Mississippi
The storefront of the Rebuilding Center on North Mississippi Avenue
A quick run out to Hillsboro to pick up my goodies from ShopGoodwill (all were much better than anticipated BTW), then to Canby for an epic day of geocaching. These are the highlights of my perhaps you can see why I haven't had time for blogging.

Until next time!

This gigantic 'Harvey' has been gracing this spot for well over 30 years

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