Sunday, May 12, 2013

Totally mobile?

My home computer has pretty much given up the ghost so I'm going to do a little experiment to see if I can blog from my phone.

This morning I was up at 4am to get ready and drive downtown to help at The Humane Society's Doggie Dash. I saw some really cool, some really friendly, and some really hyper dogs. But I think my favorite was the Leonberger. Big dogs with a friendly disposition and very thick, long hair. I even got a picture of one of them.

Since I had arrived a bit early, I had a chance to look for a geocache that was located only a couple dozen feet from the Registration tent. Unfortunately with all the foot traffic, I didn't feel I could look in earnest. However, I did get a great shot of the sunrise.

The event was great! But since I also volunteered to work at the Friends of the Library Used Book Store, I didn't have a lot of time to spare, so quickly grabbed my stuff and made a dash to the car. As I got close to the parking lot, I noticed something was filming only a block away. Since this is right where the old Police Headquarters is located, I'm assuming it was an episode of Grimm.

After spending the morning at the Doggie Dash and the rest of the day at the Book Store, my dogs were barking by the time I got home. I ended up in the recliner until supper time then took a little stroll afterwards to look for one more geocache. My goal is at least one logged find per day until I hit the 100 finds mark (22 more to go).

Fortunately there were a couple of caches not far from home so decided to see what I could find. Not only did I find the cache, I took a great photo of the falls during sunset and learned more about local history.

Here's more on the story of the Gazelle.Steamer Gazelle Accident

A perfectly wonderful spring day! Oh and by the way....I had to post the photos using the PC but the rest was done on the mobile.

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