Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My busy weekend - Part II

So Friday, the 19th was the Supper Club outing to Aviary on 17th and NE Alberta. Saturday took me back to the same area. But first...

With Earth Day being April 22nd, I spent a few hours Saturday morning helping with the cleanup at Clackamette Park. My hands were dirty, my back was sore, but my heart was warmed by all the volunteers who helped out.

I had just enough time to shower and change my clothes before heading to Lake Oswego. My sister's friend Rhonda was needing a hand catering a wedding reception. So for four hours, I sliced chicken strips, par-boiled penne pasta, tossed Caesar salad, made pesto sauce, and helped with whatever else was needed. I left glad I was able to help out, but my feet were killing me!

Next I drove to IKEA near the airport to pick up a lamp shade for my niece's birthday. It was my maiden voyage to the store and I absolutely hated the experience! Perhaps because my feet were hurting, but I'm also not a typical shopper. I don't go to the store unless I need something. I go in, get what I came for, and leave. The store was huge. I didn't know where to go so covered the upper floor only to discover it was mostly the cafe, children's section, and displays. I quickly hustled down the steps and covered the bottom floor. I know I could have taken short cuts to the lighting area but I still wanted a chance to see everything. I finally found the lampshade, then proceeded to wait in line for at least 5 minutes at the self-serve checkout before I made it out.

Wheh! Looking at the clock, I was in and out in 15 minutes....and was angry and disgusted. I think it was just that there were sooooo many people there, and almost all had their families with them, taking up the aisles. One of my pet peeves is rude people, so when you have 3-4 groups in an aisle with their carts all askew and no one makes any attempt to move for you, I think that is inconsiderate and rude. Once again, it could go back to my upbringing and where I was raised. I went to the Safeway in my hometown the following day and as I walked down the aisle, people actually moved their carts and said, "Excuse me" if they discovered they were blocking the way.

Okay, enough about my bad experience at IKEA. Moving on...

I picked up my girl Candy and we traveled back down Alberta to 24th and took in the sights, sounds, and smells that make up Halibuts 2. I tiny little place next to the original location (Halibuts) that offers a bar and live music. I was taking Candy out for her birthday dinner and to see my other girl, Rae Gordon play. As we made our way to a table in the area near the back, I noticed three life sized figures sitting in the corner. Replicas of Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr, and Frank Sinatra appeared almost real as they held court.
Photo by Julie E (thanks to Yelp)

We started with cocktails. Once again, I was struck immediately by one listing. Monkey Love. Basically it was a Long Island Ice Tea with Alize and a couple of other tweaks. A Long Island is usually my favored beverage anyway so I couldn't pass up some Monkey Love!

The menu is basic fish and chips. I think they might have chicken strips but everything else is seafood. Candy and I both settled on the special for the evening. Some kind of Alaskan fish I've never heard of (Burbot maybe). It was delicious. Actually everything was. The fries were the perfect crispiness while still being soft inside. The fish was fried perfectly. Heck, even the cocktail sauce was amazing. Plus after the previous evening's meal, I felt like I got my money's worth.

The venue is quite small and I don't know if it was the size or the proximity to the band but I didn't think Rae had ever sounded better. She has such an amazing range anyway that it's hard not to love everything she does. This night she was playful and interacted with the audience, drawing lots of laughter and applause.

So you're probably wondering what happened to those life sized replicas of Dean, Sammy, and Frank? Well, just prior to the band's arrival they get carted back in the storage area to a little alcove that contains the freezer. Right next to this darkened area is the restroom. Imagine my surprise as I walked back to the bathroom and out of the corner of my eye I see three grown men sitting on bar stools in the dark! It's a good thing I was already on my way to the powder room!!

Why do you scare me so???

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